Saturday, November 21, 2009

Grass is always greener on the other side..

Human psychology - the grass is greener on the other side.

In this blog i will compare the stages of lives of sides i have seen and will justify the Human Psychology "Grass is greener on the other side.. :D

To better explain the phenomenon I have used my own time line and world from my eyes and calling each case as an analogy..

Adult-Child analogy - When you are child, the grown up world seems to be one without boundaries, instead we all know what happens when we grow up.. Its a one way ticket..

School-College analogy - When you are in school, you want to be in college for freedom and do all those things you see in movies about college life. Later end up writing journals, ragging, college politics, future worries etc and always laugh on school time jokes with school time friends. For me, I was close to suing movie industry for my college life was no where close to the one promised in all the movies.

Birthday Cake analogy - Every year when i cut my Bday cake (thanks to my friends) .. and compare what i have now Vs where i was last year while cutting my bday cake.. Its always that i feel i was more happier last year compared to this. (It happened every year, you too try it out).

Job-College analogy - Your job gives you money to sustain, survive, pay your bills, but takes away the day dreams, gangs of frnds, point less arguments, senseless pursuits. From a lower stand movie ticket with 30+ collge frnds to 3 PVR tickets with office frnds. From a time when Maggie and mess were enough to banquets and buffet's unsatisfying platters. From bruises, sun tan, local brand shoes, kits of college times to sports shoes, brands, bulge, aches and eventually no time / company to play. The list is long, and end less.

Single-Comitted/Married analogy - (now things are becoming interesting)
Although I am not an expert on this.
The single guys group togather and party like no one's watching but deep inside wish they too had some one. Committed/Married people wish for once no one's watching.. ;) I will leave this topic open for interpretation..

Onsite - Offshore analogy - This is a very vast topic i ll cover in my other blogs.

India - USA - Dont get me started on it.

ABCD Vs NRI analogy- There is nothing green here.. :P

Its like always people move to another step thinking it will take them forward in some thing.
Always having a small regret of leaving their current present which could be their comfort zone, or want to take a risk for some thing better.

Always thinking that there is some thing better than what they already are holding on to..

But its the human nature to push and look for more than what they already have, to explore more possiblities and always look beyond what they already have .. makes them move on .. and keep the evolution in progress.. :)
And its always one's own descision to sit and wait for a miracle to happen or search or it.. :)

So.. keep looking for new pasturs..

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